Kayak #2 Finished!


Here she is boys and girls...my new boat, an Outer Island.  It's not a boat CLC sells that I know of, but since my first boat was a Shearwater Hybrid and I know everybody likes pictures, I thought I would share the class.  The dark wood is, of course, WRC, and the light wood is Aspen.  The coaming, and fore and aft stems are laminated ash.





For some reason the front of the boat was cut off.  Anyone know how to fix that? I'll try again .....




Really...the front of the boat is there....somewhere in cyberspace.

Very cool!!

You built it from plans since there are no Outer Island kits available, right?

Can you fill us in how she behaves in the water, esp. compared to you Shearwater?


This should show the bow.  It’s beautiful!..do you have any links with photos of the build?..I’d love to see more…


Thanks Chris.

I do not have anything posted yet, but I'll get to work on that.   Like everyone, I have a 100 plus pictures of the build.


I'll let you know how she compares versus the Shearwater, but please be aware I ain't that much of an expert kayaker, so I'm not sure my review will be very informative :)  And yes, it was made from plans as no kits are currently available, at least to my knowledge.

Happy paddling!