Kayak Sail Rig and Kit Questions

This is probably too much for one post but I'll do it anyway and see what comes back...

I have the MKII kit and it has been sitting in my garage since november. Now I think I finally have a plan to get the LBC (little British car) out of the way and I can start building. I previously built a 17LT and this will go onto it. For reference, my goal is to sail to and from Catalina Island from CA coast (26-30 miles), so I'd consider this open water sailing and winds can be strong and seas can be rough. After that, who knows?

1. The epoxy and hardener (everything in the kit for that matter) has been subject to freezing temps. Is this a bad thing? The heater is on and off but a lot of the time it is off.

2. The mast appears to be 15 feet from the CLC specs. I am a bit worried about not being able to reef the CLC sail. I would really like to know if others have suggestions on other products for the mast/sail that provide reefing capablitlies? Or are there other options if I use the CLC sail?

3. I have a rudder system. I used the "Smart Track System". I am worried that it might not handle the stress of the sail rig. Is this a valid concern? If so, has anyone got suggestions or experience in switching out the rudder system without completely removing the entire system? In other words can I use the pre-installed peddals and wire controls with maybe the end-pieces of the Feathercraft (K2)?

4. I see online that securing the akas to the boat involves several loops of rope through the eye bolts. Has anyone used a different approach? I am thinking that I'd like to simplify that attachment process and ensure the forces are evenly balanced (ie, my knot tieing is suspect).

If you have some suggestions for these questions and perhaps if you can offer your own "discoveries" about this kit, I am sure it would be helpful.

Thank you for your time! I am excited to finally get moving forward on this build.


If you search the archives of this forum using "hybrid sail rig" in your search you should find a thread with 40+ postings.  This may answer some of your questions, especially regarding rudders, and will give you the names of some folks with the experience you are looking for. 

That stretch of water between the coast and Catalina can get pretty nasty so you definitely want to do this right.

Good Luck,


Thanks Paul, in all my searches yesterday I missed that one. Unfortunately I can't see the inline pictures on that post. I have emailed Casey and I hope he has time to respond. If anyone can help me see those pictures, I'd really appreciate that. Casey seems to have answered all my questions.

Casey and a couple others seem to have hard-mounted the akas. I like the idea of that. Has anyone experienced failure of the aka from through-bolting? I think John or someone mentioned somewhere that the rope attachment technique helps to absorb shock.

Thanks again.


>>> I am a bit worried about not being able to reef the CLC sail. I would really like to know if others have suggestions on other products for the mast/sail that provide reefing capablitlies? Or are there other options if I use the CLC sail?>>>>>>>

The stock sail isn't reefable.  Fortunately, it's small enough to "feather" through the gusts, and I've done so during some genuinely freaky sailing days at the helm of the stock CLC SailRig.  

Partly blocking the doorway to my office as I write this is the sail for the CLC SailRig Mark III.  (Rough prototypes were out sailing back in the Fall.)  There are some fresh tweaks, including the ability to reef.  The downside is that the new rig requires a taller, heavier, more expensive mast, and sail track for the sail that has to be screwed or riveted on.  Oh, and the sail costs more, too.  (Welcome to yachting!)  There were furious efforts to keep the cost of the SailRig Mark II reasonable.  That involved some performance tradeoffs that I'm not sure everyone appreciated.  The Mark III will kick it up a little.  We'll keep all of the different versions in print, though, so builders can pick and choose according to their budget.

>>>> I have a rudder system. I used the "Smart Track System". I am worried that it might not handle the stress of the sail rig. Is this a valid concern? >>>>>>>

The Smart Track is strong enough, but the blade, intended for paddling speeds, is rather small for the velocities you can achieve with the SailRig.  Often you have to let up on the throttle---ease the sheet---in order to make a big turn.  A bit like understeer in an overpowered race car.  

Just as wider tires helps the race car, a bigger rudder blade improves things a great deal.  Switching to the "sailing rudder" detailed in the CLC SailRig instructions gives you all the control you could ever need, but unlike the kayak rudder, it's of little use when you're just paddling.  

Hi John,

is the Mark III just a sail, mast and rigging change? I have plans for the Mark II and will probably be starting the akas and amas this spring. Any changes/improvements in the Mark III over the Mark II in that regard? I've been contemplating my own sail configuration for quite some time, but would like to have a look at the new rig. When do you expect the Mark III to hit the catalogue?  

BTW, thanks for sticking with your products and continuing to make improvements. The sail rig is a real neat design as is. Cheers! 


Me too! When is MKIII coming out? What are the differences? Just bought MKII and wondering if I should wait or change to build until new version available.