i remember seeing a video by laszlo on building the wood duck 12 but can't seem fo find it again. what is the address?
I never did a video. CLC did a video showing me paddling my Wood Duck 12. It's on the WD12 product page.
I also have blog documenting my build at http://www.morocz.com/BoatBuilding/DuckBuild.htm . Some hints in there aboout things I found to make the build easier, such as installing the footbrace studs before attaching the deck, building the coaming without attaching it to the boat to make glassing and sanding easier, using endpieces instead of endpours and so on.
Beautiful kayak. I'm sold on a wood duck :-)
I am not knocking the Ducks. I have built/helped build 5 of them. What is your experience level? What kind of paddling are you planning to do? When my wife and dad started out the Ducks were great. My kids learned how to re-enter a kayak in them. Now I can't get them away from my Shear Water Sport. I have started a second one. Compared to the plastic boats the ducks are awesome. If you aren't going that far, or trying to keep up with a group in skinny boats, go for it. Fishing? Small tight creeks? You get my drift. Good luck. JRC.
The following is not part of a religious war.
I launched my WD12 at Okoumefest in 2008 and it's still my most-used boat even though I've had plenty of time to get tired of it. I've been in and out of boats since the Johnson administration (Lyndon, not Andrew - shut up Camper) so I've had a chance to try a few. Here's why I as soon as I finish typing this I'll be grabbing my WD12 and heading to the river.
Why I Still Use My WD12 After 7 Years.
1. The size of the cockpit. I dislocated my knee way back when. It really appreciates having a large opening for climbing in and out of the boat. It also appreciates the option of changing position inside the cockpit, including hanging my leg over the coaming up onto the deck. Try that in a skinny boat, but only if you don't mind the possibility of a swim.
2. The possibility of a swim. Exiting and re-entering a WD12 is easy with that large cockpit opening and the amazing amount of stability that boat has. When the day is hot, the sun is mercilessly beating down on you and the water is cool, that's a capability that's worth its weight in gold.
3. The stability. Because I could stand up in the boat to look over a beaver dam, I was the only one in my group who could see the swan's nest, the juvenile swallows clustered in a tree and the field of swamp mallows stretching almost to the horizon.
4. The size of the cockpit and the stability let me slide foward and take a nap on the water. After lunch, anchored in a shady spot, stretched out full length with my head pillowed on the seat and the ospreys and bald eagles flying overhead while the redwings call to each other in the reeds - that's the way to take a truly relaxing nap.
5. The size of the cockpit and the stability also let me slide forward, roll over and reach back to access the hatch out on the water (depending on the current I may or may not anchor first). It also makes it possible to answer nature's calls without have to come ashore, or to fool with paddle floats, etc. The result is that more time can be spent on the water.
6. Being able to hunker down in the cockpit with just the top of my head exposed lets me get very close to the wildlife. With everything nose down tucked into the cockpit, the beasties don't connect the boat with a possible hunter.
Tthe WD12 is definitely slower than a skinny boat, but I've covered 22 miles in a single day (without leaving the water). It's my personal river cruiser. It takes me places and lets me live aboard for the entire day, not just paddle around. That's why I haven't gotten tired of it after 7 years.
Have fun all,
As usual, I agree with all of the above from Lazlo. You did forget to mention the wieght you eyes say "Get ready this is heavy", and then it is not. My dad is 72 and handles his Duck easily. My comments were intended to help guide the selection of the poster's kayak. If you are trying to cover long distances for more than a single day, the skinny boats win. I have learned how to paddle my 17LT with my legs on the deck, had an uncomfortable seat, since remedied. Definitely can't take a nap, stand up, sit cross legged, or get into either hatch while afloat. It also depends on the group that you are paddling with, showing up last, taking a short break while everyone else is well rested gets old. It is hard to have a religious war with people that agree. Good luck JRC.