I've got 3 coats of epoxy on the hull and most of the weave filled. I'm planning on a forth light coat. Once this is done, should I go ahead and do any fairing to the hull now or wait until the deck is finished? I am building the Hybrid version if that will make any difference.
Also, is there any way to install the footbraces without drilling thru the hull? I was thinking of gluing a strip in the cockpit and installing to it, but not sure if it will be strong enough.
I'm planning to mostly use the boat in a rowing form. Does the rowing wing have additional parts that must be installed early in the build or am I safe to wait until a later date?
CLC sells footbrace mounting studs. There's no holes and they're stronger than drilling through. I've used them on 2 boats and am planning on using them on a third.
I was looking through the forum and saw mention of using the micro-balloons in the weave. Iv'e got 3 coats on and filled the "low spots" last night which created some ugly sags and runs. Would it be best to sand them out and do a final coat with the cell-o-fill addative? If so, what ratio and best way to apply it.