measure or pump

I'm just curious about who out there uses the pumps for epoxy and who uses other ways to measure.

 I used the pumps until the one for the hardener started spitting; I checked and discovered it was no longer metering anywhere close to accurately (fortunately I made the discovery before applying any mis-measured epoxy).

Not wanting to wait for a new set of pumps, I used some old measuring cups -- a 1/4 cup measure for the resin and a 1/8 cup measure for the hardener -- also a couple of measuring spoons for smaller batches.

 It's a bit messy but now that I've gotten used to it, I've continued to use the cups, even though new pumps came when I ordered more epoxy. The advantage, it seems to me, is that I know the ratio is accurate.

 Any opinions out there? And for those who do measure, any tools and techniques to share?

Check out  the "mas epoxy pumps" thread for info on some boatbuilder's experience, good and bad , with pumps. Just type in "epoxy pump" in the search box on this forum.


I stopped using the pumps when I started needing larger batches of epoxy for the hull and deck glassing.  I buy 2 cup plastic measuring cups (10 at a time) at the dollar store, then just throw them away after use. 

I also noticed one of my pumps (hardner) started spitting on every other pump, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't putting out enough of the mix.  Seems safer just to do it with a cup.

Now I need smaller cups for smaller batches; least I can accurately measure in these is 3/4 cup, which can lead to a good deal waste.



When I re-built a 12 foot dory about eight years ago, I used hypodermic syringes for measuring out the correct ratios.  With a 20 ml syringe it worked quite quickly, cleanly and accurately.

I have JUST started the construction of a Chesapeake 16 Kayak (from Plans) and will use a digital kitchen scale and old plastic yoghurt cups. Easy to obtain and disposable.

Interesting to learn that the MAS pumps give some problems from time to time. They are unobtainable here (South Africa) so one makes do with what one has.

Enjoy your project.


That's like asking Ginger or Marianne :-)

FWIW, I use pumps, measuring cups and syringes, whatever is appropriate for the job at hand. They all work equally as long as the builder is used to them.
