Mill Creek 13 Launch

Well, I bought the kit for my wife in 2002, and she finally got to paddle it!  The only problem is that the kids tried it out and have pirated the vessel including the Greenland blade I carved for it!!

Guess they weren't big enough in '02 to be considered a threat :-)  Guess you just have to build them another one. Looks like fun. Congratulations!



i just finished my millcreek 13(sort of…still have to varnish deck) and my wife has tried to pirate it…she says i have to build her one now before i can take complete ownership of mine! What a great boat! The only problem i have with mine is it takes me at least 45 mins to put in and take out because people keep asking me about the boat…did you build it yourself, how hard was to build, where did you get the plans…my son never gets these questions when he puts in his tupperware boat…go figure! Nice looking boat(and kids) hope you get to enjoy it!-Chris

The 2009 Acadamy award for a CLC Forum post on "That’s what I’m talking about!" goes to …fisherman!  Whether we have already experienced the thrill of the launch, and of gettting innocent bystanders excited about the hobby/obsession, or are still slaving and fretting in the workshop on our first build, dude we appreciate your commentary.