My father and I recently (last week) started building a Mill Creek 16.5 Hybrid. Have a few pictures and thoughts:
I've put them up on facebook, but should be freely visible:
One question/problem already:
We did the scarf joints for the bilge/sheer panels and bottom. When doing the sheer panels - the middle sections don't line up with each other. Everything matches at the joints - both ends. It looked like the panel needed to flip, but then the scarf cuts don't match. The mis-alignment wasn't huge - maybe 1/8" - so I shaved it down with a router so they'd match (seemed like a good idea at the time, but should probably have asked here first) Is that likely to represent a problem down the road?
View 1 - towards one end
View 2 - but they come in to match at the joint
View 3 - on the other side the overlap flips