Mill Creek sailing

Finally finished the Mill Creek sail kit and took it out the past two nights. Of course it was nearly dead calm but I'm amazed at how little air movement was enough to make her move. Mill Creek sailing tonight and seeing Pocket Ship tommorrow, life's good...




Nice!  I would like to hear how it sails when you have a bit more wind. I hope to build the sail kit over winter.   All I have left is varnishing and my MC will be ready for launching.  I think the finishing has taken longer than the building. 


Congratulations Chris.  Any pictures?  I have been kayaking for about 17 years, and this is my fourth season of sailing my Jimmy Skiff.  I am thinking pretty seriously of building a Mill Creek for sailing on those days when I want to car-top because my trailer or tow vehicle are not available and there is a nice breeze to tempt me away for an hour or two.  - Ron

We finally got some wind today. I was a little worried it was to much but after talking with John Harris at the Pocketship tour today I threw the Mill Creek in the lake with my daughter as ballast and gave it a try. The boat sailed really well for not being tuned at all and the captin not sailing for nearly 20 years. The stability was far better then I expected going from an 8 foot wide c-scow to something 33" wide. The wind was in the 10 to 15mph range and we had it heeling to where water was up to the cockpit coaming without any risk of capsizing. The only problem is getting used to the 'Norwegian" tiller setup and tacking. I think the two are related since I was throwing in way to much rudder while trying to tack and nearly stopping dead in irons. A lighter touch helped but I think I'll try adjusting the rake on my homemade rudder to get more feedback from it. Sorry no pictures yet, thought I'd be swimming for sure and didn't want to risk the camera.


These aren't very good but here's some pictures.!/album.php?aid=69884&id=1171196421

I finally got some pictures from in the boat while sailing. Perfect fall evening for it too.!/album.php?aid=69884&id=1171196421

