my chesapeake 18 build pics

OK, I finaly got up the guts to show all my horrible mistakes on my first build.  Would anyone like to see pics.  Everyone tells me the boat is beautiful, and, ultimately, it is, but I know everything that's messed up about it.  Regardless, I certianly had enormous fun with the entire process.  And my boat is very strong, and light.  I dropped it accidentally from on top of my shoulders and it slammed on to the ground and me with it, no damage.  Everyone yells "beautiful wood", and "nice canoo", I guess not a lot of folks know about kayaks around hear.


Thanks so much!


Adrian P Baxter


Yes pictures....please.

Congrats Adrian! I finished an 18 in december and I know what you're saying about seeing all of the blemishes. Mine has plenty of flaws, but it looks pretty good out in the sun and it paddles even better. Definitely post some pics. 

I've been woodworking for 40+ years. THere's always flaws and no one ever sees them but the builder. Show pics and be proud!! 



...and where's the beef?

You sound like me!

Show'em your poem!

