My MC 16.5 kit is on the way!

OK everyone, I will be full of questions soon.  My MC 16.5 kit shipped yesterday...two weeks earlier than the original forecast date.  I've been reading this forum as well as reading books on fiberglassing and Kayak building.  I've watched youtube construction videos and read the blogs and websites created by other kayak builders.  I've got my work space in the garage ready and all the power tools on stand-by.  Right now the temperature outside in suburban Atlanta is 68.5F.  The only problem is the horrible yellow pine pollen will be here soon.  I'll definitely have to keep the garage doors closed until that is gone. 

Once I get started, I will probably start my own build site with photos.  My goal is to have this done before the end of summer.  I'm hoping by the end of August.

It's a great kayak to build.  Here's a link to my build from a couple of years ago.  You should have no problem getting her done before the end of summer.

P.S.  it was 70 degrees F here in Canada today, but calling for snow by Sunday...was almost tempted to haul down the kayaks and paddle around the ice flows but then hockey came on.

Good luck with the build. 

Thanks for the link Chris...but, I already had yours marked!  I was in Calgary a couple of weeks ago.  The daytime temp there was over 50F and it was snowing in Atlanta...weird.

Congradulations and welcome to the fever. Nothing brings on Spring fever like a boat project and tracking the shipment till it arrives. I am currently on my first and you will find you are in good hands on this forum and also that CLC is a class act as a company. I will be watching for your questions I am just a few steps ahead of you—right now anyway.

Thanks cz375hh.  I am anxious to dig in and get started.  I’ll even be in Baltimore next week and I plan to drive over to Annapolis to visit CLC.  The MC16.5 will be a continuing project for me:  first the paddle version; then the drop-in rowing unit will be purchased and finally, the CLC Sal Rig trimaran.