New and Improved ShopCam!

Click here for the all-new ShopCam.

No ads and much higher fidelity!  Thanks to Gary at PropTalk for the suggested hardware improvements, and to Matt at CLC for the execution.

Now you may fritter away your entire work day watching the ShopCam. The next few weeks are back-to-back Annapolis Wherry, Northeaster Dory, Kaholo, and Chesapeake kayak classes, so there's five weeks of boatbuilding goodness.

True story:  this system DOES offer live audio.  And it's loud and clear.  But A) when we first tried it, the first four words out of the unwitting boatbuilder's mouth were NSFW, and B) when you get eight students all sanding at the same time, the din will shatter your computer speakers.  So the audio is off.  We might turn it on selectively, for example, when we have workshops at OkoumeFest, etc.


New shop cam is great. You're wise to mute the audio. We don't need NSFW echoing down the hall when the grand kids are over.

Night vision! Kool! Totaly!