Just wanted to share a picture of my new Wood Duck 10. I paddled it for the first time this past weekend and it was great.
I want to thank everybody who contributes to this forum - particularly fellow Duck builders Laszlo and Ralph - for the terrific advice every step of the way.

Very nice, Laurie. Is that graphite/epoxy on the bottom or black paint? Either way, that "3-layer" finsh ends up quite striking. Bet it made the clorox-bottle crowd jealous, especially when they found out what it weighed.
Congratulations, glad to have been some help, but you did all the real work. Welcome to the fleet.
Thanks Laszlo. The bottom is navy blue paint. I way underestimated the time to do the finish work hence the late launch.
The boat drew a lot of oohs and aahs from my neighbors. I decided not to point out the small imperfections here and there!
Nice looking Laurie, I wish it was a larger photo. I hope that you had fun while building and enjoyed your first ride. Who much does it weigh?
I know that mine certainly has its blemishes, but I had fun (and aggrivation) while building. I just hope that I can get out more. But then I knew that would be the case. I have had three of my kids out with me, in rented kayaks.
There's a larger photo here. On Flickr, once you click on the initial image, there's a link over the picture's top left corner to the other sizes, including in this case a 1024x768.
Yeah, finish work is very time consuming if you let it be. And it's funny, too, the way that "civilians" are so impressed by the whole concept of a homebuilt boat that they never notice all the little glitches that the builders sometimes obsess about. Enjoy.