Well, it all started at Mystic last summer when, in the course of a casual conversation, Austin looked at my wife and said, "Want to take one out for a quick paddle?"
By Thanksgiving the kit was on floor of my home office, and over the next few months it took shape. Then there was the sanding. And more sanding. And then more sanding... you all know the drill. Last week I put on the last of 5 coats of varnish and fitted her out. On Sunday we finally splashed up at Black Hills park in Germantown, Maryland.
I'd like to offer huge thanks to everyone thats ever posted advice on this forum. The collective wisdom and insight was invaluable to me over the course of this project. And llike most of you, I'm already thinking about the next project...
- Rich

Rich, did you also use epoxy/graphite on the cockpit rim or is that paint?
Thanks Ralph. Yes, the bottom is a couple coats of epoxy/graphite. I think going that route was the way to go -- I can put the kayak down in dirt, on the garage floor, run it onto the shore, etc. without stressing over the finish. Sure it will get a few scrapes, but it will be super-easy to restore every season or two.
Welcome to the WD12 flock Rich, it looks good! So did you put a graphite/epoxy bottom on it or is it paint?
It was 5 years ago next month that I launched mine. I just don't get out as often as I would like, but I have been to some very nice areas (lakes/reservoirs/rivers/slough). The once I tried fishing with it, up in the Sierra's, I caught my limit of trout.
I used interlux brightsides black paint on the cockpit ring.
Ooops! Sorry about that triple-pic posting! I wasn't trying to show off the boat... really! lol