Another Night Heron hatched in Western PA.
Excited to launch this bird.
Another Night Heron hatched in Western PA.
Excited to launch this bird.
Looks FANTASTIC!! How'd u do the deck? Thanks. Michael
Great looking kayak Chris !!!!! Have a blast with it. Great job.
Michael, the deck was more work than I had anticipated. Drawing the asymmetrical curves in two dimensions seemed so much easier than translating the idea into a three-D deck. Simply lack of experience.
If you are interested in the blow-by-blow for the deck, earlier blog entries provide more info than you'd probably care to know.
Let's say that I learned to bunch about what does not work so well and what not to do on my next build.
Can't wait to get her in the water!
WOW!!! That is a piece of art. That is something to be truly proud of.
I just placed an order today for my first build. I'm quite sure mine will be nothing
like yours but hopefully still a boat I can be proud of.
Thanks! Have fun with your build.
I took John Harris' excellent advice and simply did not track my time as I was initially doing.
While a wonderful boat that you made yourself will be the outcome and while it will be great fun to paddle it, the process of planning the deck, building it, sweating over mistakes and finding solutions is at least as rewarding.
Which kayak are you going to build?
beautiful boat! I really like the deck pattern! Dave
Top Notch! Inspiring - I'm soon to start mine.
Great looking boat! Would you mind replying to my post regarding hatches?
Funny thing that my name is also Chris!
Again, your boat is awesome!
Thanks Chris F
Here is the link to my post about hatches!
Chris F
Grand! I notice that you oped for a laid-up plywood cockpit coaming. I'm planning to build a full-strip Night heron next winter, and I wonder if I could do it that way, instead of rising the coaming with lots of little cedar pieces, as usually shown. Did the spacers & lip come as part of your Hybrid kit?
Yes, the Hybrid Kit came with the cockpit coaming as shown.
I followed Joey Schott's suggestion and glued up the coaming pieces on the cockpit but initially not TO the cockpit. That allowed me to remove the coaming and top lip (before permanently gluing it in place) and sand the otherwise hard to access outside much more easily.
There is a link to his blog on my blog. Joey explains and documents the process very well.
Cheers, Chris H
Great looking boat.
I was following the build, but I realise not closely enough as I missed your coaming preassembly trick!