was wondering if anyone had any experience with the placement of oarlocks based on one's own size. the instructions (for the Dory) have a set placement measurement (very precise at 15 and 1/4" aft of bulkheads). And I can just follow that and that will likely be just fine. but I was wondering if there is likely to be in reality a possible range of proper placements that would depend largely on ones own height and length of your arms. I ask becasue at 6'3" I may be a bit longer in wingspan than average. should I be pushing my oarlocks sternward an inch or two since it will be mostly me that will be pulling at the oars. It really isnt the sort of thing you can try at various locations till it feels right unless you want to put a ton of holes along the rails.
I dont want to be too anal on this, I can follow the instructions just fine but was just wondering if others had any experience with this and felt that the set measurement ended up feeling cramped for a taller than average guy.