Bought the older CLC or maybe Pygmy 15 footer mentioned in post this weekend. Am trying to determine how much of which CLC chemicals I should purchase to repair the scratches on the bottom. At the bottom of the bow and stern there are abrasions into the wood total area less than could be covered with a dollar bill. Also need to fix the forward bulkhead as it does not reach the deck, Titanic style. And the forward deck beam does not touch the underside of the deck in the center 6 inches so need to fill the gap. Am confused about the repair options from CLC. Want to purchase enough glass and chemicals to do all but not be wasted.
It is extradinarly hard to determine how much supplies you will need. Sounds like some epoxy, a thickener (wood flour or Cab-o-fil), and a small amount of glass cloth. You might also need some plywood scrapes to fill or cover the bulkhead gaps.
Left overs or not enough - you will have one or the other.
Good luck! enjoy the process,