paint help

I am building a 14 foot great auk. I Plan to use it for fishing.

I plaln to paint the interior of the hull and cockpit area, Question is

When do I paint ?

Prior to fiberglassing, before the final  epoxy coat or before I varnish, or

after the varnish, and should i use a specific kind of paint.

Thanks in advance for your response

Benny, The paint OR varnish you use is as much for adding UV protection to the resin as it is for aesthetics so you don't need to paint AND varnish an area. I'd use Interlux Brightside polyurethane for the interior with patches of Interlux Interdeck non-skid where you want some traction for your feet while you are shifting you position around while fishing. These are both VERY well tested marine paints and easy to use. No need for varnish over paint or visa-versa and you should paint as a final step over sanded and primed fiberglass. E-mail me at if you have any questions. SEEYA Jack