At the point to decide.....paint or varnish on the wetted parts of rudder and daggerboard? (Handle of daggerboard, top area of rudder, and tiller yoke will be varnished)
Advantages of either paint or varnish on those parts? What are your preferances? What did you do?
Mine is a dory, but this question goes to anyone with a rudder and daggerboard!
Curt 830/997-8120
Paint! I painted the rudder and daggerboard on my Northeaster Dory. Paint does not seem to scratch as easy as varnish. It is also very easy to touch up a painted board as a matter of fact I scraped the paint off you rudder this weekend… it is no big deal I’ll slap some paint on the edge some time this week.
Graphite/epoxy mix. On my recent boats with daggerwells, rudder boxes, keel boxes, etc., I finished the insides of the boxes with fiberglass and painted them with graphite/epoxy mix (before final assembly, of course). Then I painted the daggerboards, rudders, keels, etc. that fit through those boxes with graphite epoxy mix. Not only is it waterproof and tough, it slides through the boxes with no scratching.
Laszlo, Your tip would be an ideal one to be "pinned" on a CLC bulletin board of builders tips like they do in some forums. Had I seen your idea a couple months ago, I likely would have done exactly like you describe, but I'm way past the point where I could do the epoxy/graphite trick...darn it.
Skip, I'm all about easier maintenance, and I see your point about easy repair...I'll have some of my Hatteras Off White Brightside left over too...have to save as much as I can in an air tight container. I'll have to get some primer on them ASAP...
The think I like about painted under parts too is that unless you are in really muddy water, you can see the board/rudder from the side.
Thanks guys...any other suggestions? Anyone prefer varnish on under parts?