(1) Is there any reason not to do 2 coats of epoxy and sanding on all hull pieces, and "furniture" prior to stitch & glue? [Excepting panels which are fiberglassed] With the pieces flat and horizontal there is much less risk of sags, and runs and better control of the epoxy film thickness.
(2) The kit instructions are very specific that shortly after filleting the inside bottom panel to #1 strakes the fiberglass cloth and 1st epoxy coat should be accomplished. Is this critical or does it create problems if the fiberglass/epoxy work is completed post 24 hrs with a sanding of the fillet joint to promote adhesion.
(3) Does CLC recommend a wood flour/epoxy fillet between strakes 1 & 2, 2 & 3, 3 & 4 on the interior?
Appreciate all advise
"..... 1) Is there any reason not to do 2 coats of epoxy and sanding on all hull pieces, and "furniture" prior to stitch & glue? ......."
Do you want them to bend, twist, etc into shape when stiching or remain flat and straight?
in my searching the net for build chronicling, I came across this site done by Passagemaker builder Chris Arlan, which he's called "In a Nutshell". I may be confused (nothing new) but I'm thinking he did epoxy applications and sanding on the joined lapstrakes and other pieces before the stitch and glue work. I don't know if what you propose is a good idea or not but, if you're not already familiar with his site, you might take a look and see if he did the same thing.
Does the manual not address this?
**B Sullivan**,
Thank you for the link to the Chris Arlan blog. An excellent blog. His approach was identical to the method I'm trying. The manual does state to precoat all hull parts and then recoat, but its stated very softly. To Grumpys comment Chris did advise that getting the strakes aligned and stitched to the transoms was a challenge, although the manual states the same thing. In the CLC classes they seem to take the opposite approach as it would probably consume the full week to coat each side, wait 24 hrs, coat again, flip and coat other side wait 24 hrs and then sand.....the week would be gone and everyone would have a bunch of flat okoume plywood with 2 coats of epoxy without any assembly know-how imparted. Thx again!!