I'm getting close to sealing the bench seats on my Lake Union Swift with MAS LV epoxy. I bought some peel ply at the start of this project, but haven't used it yet, and have no prior experience with it.
The benches on the Swift are a relatively wide, flat area. They follow the general sheer curve of the boat, but have no compound curves. I'm going to be varnishing them, and of course want them to look as good as I can get them.
Almost all the information I've read about Peel Ply involves using it over fiberglass or carbon fiber. But I'm wondering if it can be used to positive effect on plain marine plywood without fabric, and if it can help achieve a smoother, even layer of epoxy with less sanding.
Anyone have any experience with this? I'll be using the Peel Ply on the daggerboard, which does get glassed, and maybe on the rudder, that that doesn't get glassed, per the plans.
Thanks for any insights,