I'm building my first CLC boat which is a Peeler Skiff. I'm having a great time building it and have found the kit and instructions to be fantastic. Can't wait to get out on the water! I've just finished fiberglassing the bottom including the full overlapping layers over the bottom skids. My question is I seem to be going through epoxy awfully fast. I have already ordered an extra quart of both epoxy and hardener (I always seem to run out of hardener first despite great care with the pumps). And I'm out again and about to order a gallon of epoxy and half gallon of hardener to finish to the boat. My fillets are very neat but I may wasteful in other areas. Is this a common experience for this boat? I have ordered new pumps in case that's the issue causing the component mismatch. Does another gallon of epoxy seem about right for what I have left to complete? Thanks!
Actually this is fairly common on any first build. I used about double the supplied epoxy on my first which was a WD12. The Peeler is my second and the epoxy supplied was almost enough. I did the extra layer too since I'll be using the 15hp motor.
A couple of things to watch for. Make sure the resin hasn't thickened up and become "slushy" from getting cold. This can happen if the kit was shipped in cold weather and can be fixed by putting the resin jug in a bucket of very hot water for a half hour or so. Also, when you"re doing the alternating pumps from resin/hardener, make sure you give the resin pump time to come all the way up.
You can check your pumps by putting ten shots of resin into a clear plastic drink cup and twenty shots of hardener into another identical cup. The levels should be the same. To use the epoxy just put ten more shots of resin in and stir the mix well for about three minutes.