Pink/Red discoloration on interior

Novice / First boat build.

Finishing (?) Annapolis Wherry Tandem this summer.  A few epoxy/fiberglass bubbles and varnsihing to finalize.

Boat was outside under cover last four weeks (hot, humid, South Carolina)... and a section around the untended bubbles has turned pink / red in a spreading larger area.

I'm curious if anyone has seen this before and might guess what has caused this.

- My first guess is that somehow this area of epoxy didn't properly cure? and that's somehow leading to the discoloration.   In this case, I'm guessing I need to sand the whole area back to wood... re-epoxy, re-fiberglass, re-epoxy, re-prim/paint.

- Another possibility could relate to the exterior paint (which is red) somehow bleeding up and through?  This seems less likely to me, as I have been confident that it was fully covered with multiple epoxy coats with substantial attention to the seams prior to priming and painting... But, if this is the problem, then I think I have a more difficult fix.

Thoughts ?

That is definitely different from anything I've seen before. I think you're right that it being a paint-related issue is unlikely. I'm wondering if it's humity trapped under the bubble glass causing mold, similar to the dreaded black ick. The shape and the fact that it's spreading suggest some kind of liquid transport mechanism to me.

If that's indeed the case, that would need the glass removed and the wood dried before reglassing it without bubbles this time.



   Thanks Laszlo.  Makes sense to me.  Will tackle this weekend.  Much appreciated.