Novice / First boat build.
Finishing (?) Annapolis Wherry Tandem this summer. A few epoxy/fiberglass bubbles and varnsihing to finalize.
Boat was outside under cover last four weeks (hot, humid, South Carolina)... and a section around the untended bubbles has turned pink / red in a spreading larger area.
I'm curious if anyone has seen this before and might guess what has caused this.
- My first guess is that somehow this area of epoxy didn't properly cure? and that's somehow leading to the discoloration. In this case, I'm guessing I need to sand the whole area back to wood... re-epoxy, re-fiberglass, re-epoxy, re-prim/paint.
- Another possibility could relate to the exterior paint (which is red) somehow bleeding up and through? This seems less likely to me, as I have been confident that it was fully covered with multiple epoxy coats with substantial attention to the seams prior to priming and painting... But, if this is the problem, then I think I have a more difficult fix.
Thoughts ?