I purchased the Skerry planswith the intent to purchase the wood and parts as needed to spread it out some. Here we are in June and I have yet to glu ethe scarfs and I've reached the following conclusions:
- For someone of my skill level, a kit would have been the better choice.
- The Skerry will not be launched this Summer
- This is fun, and this will not be my last CLC boat.
- That NE Dory is really nice.
So I am thinking that I might wish to shelve the Skerry plans build for a while and order a kit - either Skerry or Dory. I do not mind having two Skerry's (two kids), but the "ease of build" meter and posts to this forum make me think the Dory might be an easier start.
- Do you think that ease of build translates as a shorter build time?
- I think I saw build times of under 200 hours for the Dory. I know it is pretty subjective, but do you think the build time for a Skerry kit is more or less of that? I think CLC does both in a week long class (with the right tools and professional guidance on hand).
- Am I being a ninny? Should I just persevere with the Skerry build with a revised launch date of Christmas morning (after reinforcing th ebow with kevlar so it can act as an ice breaker to float it in Lake Ontario).
- Has anyone had success having the kit shipped with instructions to leave it behind the lawn shed where the wife won't see it and realize I am building my own navy? ;<)