All went well until I started to plane the sheer clamps.
I have the two templates for the fore and aft sheer angles and all is well there. My problem is with the transition in the cockpit area. I got carried away and continued the steeper angle of the fore deck farther back into the "transition" area of the cockpit that I should have.
If I make the temporary stations to the proper angles, I will end up with a 1/8 - 3/16" gap between the strip top and parts of the cockpit area where it should have met with the sides.
What a bummer. One solution would be to go ahead and install the deck with the gap. Fill the gap with thickened epoxy and then install Mahogany rub rails which give a nice finished edge at the gunwhale and will cover the epoxy. If you are going to paint the hull you could just paint the epoxy and skip the rubrails. I personally like the rubrails anyway and have installed them on both my MC 16.5 and my Shearwater 17 hybrid.
If it were me, I would simply build the area back up where you planed too much off.
Cut a few thin strips of SPF or Sitka (or whatever the sheer clamps are made of) and epoxy those onto of your existing sheer clamp in the areas where you planed too much. If you also planed into the sheer panel, cut a narrow strip of that (Okuome?) and epoxy it on as well after you've raised the sheer clamp. Once all the epoxy has cured, start your planing again. With care and attention to grain, the joint lines between your repair and the original material will not even be noticable when all is said and done.
I'm leaning towards the rub rail option. I had given this some thought, and was wondering what other people thought and if anyone else had goofed like I did and how they fixed it.
I plan to leave the sides bright, so paint is not an option.
The curve is so irregular on more than one plane - filling in with solid wood and okoume is beyond my skill set.
Personally, what I did was basically pinstriped the sheer edge. It hid all my mistakes, I ran out on deck when trying to install it so you could see the sheer clamp filled that in with some plywood. That way I could keep a bright finish, hide my mistakes, and they are graphite so they work like rubrails as well. If you decide not to go that route i would build the clamp back up and re-plane it. Bt honestly and 1/8in gap filled in with wood flour epoxy will still look good. Most people probably wouldn't even reconize it, plus it gives it character. Anyway your do it, the boat will look beautiful.
Check out my pics and see my mistakes, and how the pin striping looks.