I am building a wood duck hybrid, and I am having problems with the cockpit coaming staying put. I mixed up what I thought to be a good batch of epoxy and I had it clamped down, but after I removed the clamps the next day the ring lifted off of the deck. the pieces have stayed together, but it won't stay glued to the boat.
Does anyone have any suggestions to try?
I was wondering if maybe I had too much of a steep angle for the cockpit, it dos'ent seem so but I cant' figure it out
Did you wash and sand the cured epoxy on the deck before attaching the coaming? -Wes
I believe Wes asked the right question. I would like to know what steps you took to prep the deck for the coaming. Did you use a non-blush epoxy on the deck? If so, all you really need to do is sand it.
I did not sand the area prior..I should have known to do that..and yes it is non-blush epoxy
Thanks again
Theres nothing wrong with the angle of the deck with regaqrd to your coaming staying put. You could bend it into a pretzel and the coaming shouldve stayed put like cement. It sounds like either your mix was off on the deck adhesion part or you had amine blush defeating the bond. Sand both surfaces real good. wipe with mineral spirits. Let dry and do it again.
sorry for the mishap. But no, your deck isnt to severely angled, no deck is no matter what.
Water and a scrub pad (scotch-brite) is what the epoxy companies recommend for blush removal. Denatured alcohol also works. Use them with paper shop towels (no chance of fabric softener contamination as found in woven shop rags), BEFORE you sand, to avoid just smearing the blush into the sanding scratches.