I've been having a little trouble getting all the surfaces perfectly smooth on the Skerry hull. I plan to do a little more sanding and re-applications of thin epoxy coats, but don't think I'll be able to get it totally smooth. (Don't want to rush things too much, but I would like to get this boat in the water before my 70th birthday in October!)
That being said, has anyone had much luck with the high-fill primer? I used it on my kayak, but maybe didn't sand it down enough because the adhesion of the Interlux paint is very weak. Just the slightest scrape and off it comes.
When I have time I plan to sand the whole thing down, including most of the primer and repaint the kayak. Before I go to all that trouble or use the primer on my Skerry though, I want to hear other's advice, i.e., maybe the problem I talk about above is to be expected with the high-fill primer. Or, maybe the Interlux paint just doesn't stick that well whether you use the primer or not. I don't know--am eager for advice.
On a related note, CLC jokes in their manual about "non-slip surfaces" due to not enough sanding. This reminded me of a thought I had. On the floor of the boat, what about not totally filling the weave? That would leave a rougher and safer surface. I don't think this would take a lot away from the strength, given that there is another layer of 'glass and epoxy on the outside. Any thoughts on this?