I am considering building the Chester yawl for my second build (Wood duck 10 hybrid was the first).
I would greatly appreciate answers to any of the following:
Would it be difficult to build solo? I could get occasional help, but mostly would be on my own.
I love to row, but also have a long shaft 22 lb(weight), electric trolling motor which I would use for fishing. What are the transom dimensions? Given the unusual shape, would it still be possible to attach a tronsom-mount electric motor? The motor has a 36" long shaft and 6" wide mounting requirement.
How is she as a rowing craft?
Has anyone used the drop-in rowing setup available for this boat?
Thanks for any responses!
I'm close to finishing my Chester Yawl just have to complete some more paint / varnish and do the final fitout. I have completed most of the build by mysdelf the only time I needed help was when bringing the planks together at the bow, using the ladders is a big help, and getting the rubrails attached to the hull. It's aslo nice to have help to flip the hull over when needed. I did do it myself but it was a hand full.
Can't address the rest as I haven't been on the water yet.
Thanks John.
I will have help available ( my wife) for those occasions
Was the build pretty straightforward?
I found parts of the hybrid build really challenging in terms of radical bending to close bow and stern and to attach first cedar strips to the deck forms.
How was that part of the yawl build?
Good luck finishing the boat!
Hi Rich:
I have built a Yawl and a WD12 in the last year. The Yawl was completely without help except for turning the hull over occasionally. The WD12 I built with my 15 year old son. I found that the WD12 build really needed 4 hands in a number of steps - deck fitting & hull bending at the bow being 2 examples. I thought the Yawl build was simpler overall, but a lot more time consuming. The WD kits have predrilled holes, the Yawl does not. I spent ~240 hours on my Yawl, inclusive of all finishing. The WD12 was less than half that. Having 2 people working on sanding and finishing reduces the time a lot.
I loved building them both and love them both on the water.
Thanks Bill.
Since I am retired now, I have the luxury of being able to take my time.
Glad to hear it's "simpler" than the wood duck. I can deal with drilling holes for the wire, etc. Parts of my wood duck hybrid build were very difficult and at times frustrating.
However, if I were to build a second wood duck, it would be easier!