After leaving my kayak outside for 6 years or so, the deck is severly weather damaged. I have stripped off the old deck and currently prepping to install a brand new deck.
For my origianal deck (kayak is 10 yrs old) I didn't fiberglass it (just the hull), just epoxy and varnish. I am thinking of using 4 oz fiberglass matt this time on the deck. What are your thoughts? Is everyone fiberglassing their decks these days? I want to varnish it to a mirror finish again.
The deck has suffered a lot thru weather damage and also from leaving on the grass!
I am trying to link pics from Picasa - but they wont show up. Any ideas?
I would definitely fiberglass the deck. It will add strength and durability. You will also be less likely to have to completely build a new deck in another 10 years. Be sure and overlap the fiberglass about an inch onto the hull so you have the added benefit of a strong shear joint. The boat will be a little heavier, but I think the benefits far outweigh that.
thanks Casey - I appreciate your feedback. i think I will do it.I take it most guys are just using 4 oz fiberglass matt? Would 6oz still be nice and transparent?