Is it possible to retrofit a rudder kit to a completed MC16.5? If so, which one do you recommend and do you have any photo's of craft with rudder's installed?
Thanks very much.
Is it possible to retrofit a rudder kit to a completed MC16.5? If so, which one do you recommend and do you have any photo's of craft with rudder's installed?
Thanks very much.
I installed a Feathercraft K2 with SeaDog pedals during my build but see no reason why you could not retrofit the K2 or a Smart Track now. I don't use it all the time but I do find the rudder a very useful addition on windy days and am happy I installed it.
Build pics: http://dehager.smugmug.com/Boats/CLC-Mill-Creek-165/6686487_bgnGZ2
That Sir, is one of the finest looking Mill Creek's I've seen - well done. Excellent build photo's.
I haven't paddled a kayak with a rudder - do they need constant foot/toe pressure to maintain a track or can you 'set' them once with foot and relax pressure (for longer straight line paddles - across a lake etc) ? Is there friction in the system? What would be the main difference between your K2 setup and the smart track?
Thanks again.
I can't speak to the K2, but I do have a smart track on my Shearwater 17. with that system, you have solid foot pegs for the ball of your feet and you work the rudder with your toes. There is sufficient friction to hold the rudder in place without constant toe pressure.
The Smart Track system uses fixed pedals and control of the rudder is done with the balls of your feet. The SeaDog pedals work just like the Smart Track pedals and allow for adjustment with a fixed foot pad. The K2 rudder is supplied with a sliding foot pedal system which is why I installed the SeaDog pedals. There is friction on my setup with the SeaDog pedals and it is very comfortable for long paddles. One other note the Smart Track rudder stores vertically and the K2 rests horizontally.
Thanks for everyone's info - been a great help. I live remote(ish) New Zealand and can't just wander down to the local kayak shop to see these things so I have to rely on forums such as this.
I think I'm sold on a K2 rudder and maybe seadog pedals. Can you please confirm that the pedals supplied in the K2 kit slide (one forward one aft etc) to operate where as the sea dogs pivot (but are adustable)? I can' t really tell from the (lack of) information and decent photo's on the product page here.
Also, where can we buy just the k2 rudder and just the seadog controls, separately?
Quick update: I decided on the full Sealect rudder system, so the adjustable seadog pedals and their own design rudder, which retracts differently to the K2 and smart track in that it slides up over the stern instead of swinging through 270 degresss and clunking down on the deck.
I will post photo's once its fitted and in the water.
p.s. purchased within NZ for $US217 ($NZ275).
happy days!