I am about to install a Feathercraft Rudder on my wife's Ches16. I would appreciate any tips, tricks, or traps that those of you who have done this could share with me. While I frequently learn from my own mistakes, I would much rather learn from someone else's.
Mike, Are you really sure that you need a rudder on the Ch16? If your wife has paddled the boat and really wants a rudder, then go for it. Otherwise, you may want to wait until she paddles it a bit before making the decision.
The Chesapeake hull tracks nicely but turns easily with just a little lean. We have a 16LT and 17LT and even beginners handle the boats just fine without rudders.
Try shifting some wieght to the rear of the kayak. If you aren't camping, try a 2 liter bottle filled with water in the back hatch. Just make sure that it can't shift around. My 17LT handles way better loaded for a trip. Good Luck. JRC