Sanding Epoxy before paint

Annapolis Wherry build. Nice boat! Finished with epoxying the hull - three light coats (four on the glassed bottom strakes to cover the weave), tipped each one. Nice and smooth, that works. Sanding now for paint - 120 grit. I sanded through in some spots to bare wood I am afraid. Question is: Can I spot epoxy those areas? Or do I have to put another whole coat on the hull? Hate to add the weight, but if I have to, for longevity, well ... i will. Any ideas folks? Thx,

Pics: Before sanding, after.

If it's unglassed wood then a spot touch-up is fine. Just replace all the epoxy you wrongly sanded off, smooth it to match the rest and be more careful this time :-)

If you sanded through glass then you should put on a glass patch. Again, just cover the bare spot with a couple of inches of overlap onto the good glass, feather it in, fill the weave and smooth it to match.



   Excellent, thx. Bare spots are just in unglassed areas. The bare wood should soak up the epoxy spot patches nicely. Will probably do a couple of coats in the patches sanding "carefully" :) in between. Appreciate the help. Will save time and weight.