I've posted a few photos of this boat already but the links got a bit messed up so here is the link to the entire build album, hope it can be of some help.
Nice pics. It's always nice to have photos of the different stages of the build. My only other comment is what's the deal with working with epoxy and no gloves?
I ran out and kept forgetting to pick up more, and yes I know the possiblity of developing an allegy exists. I just worked carefully and cleaned up any skin contact quikly with rubbing alchohol; which in my experiance I often have to do anyway as the finger tips of latex/nitrile gloves usualy tear away from my powerful, manly hands.
Gloves should be worn, but better to just not be a slop artist to begin with.
LOL! yeah I used to have problems with the gloves. Then I switched to 5mm nitrile gloves. Haven't ripped a pair yet. Harbour Frieght has good sales on these.
Nice build and thanks for the pics! What footbraces/rudder control are you using? Just curious as I'm just finishing up a rudder retrofit to a chesapeake and messing around with rigging. Dave
I looked at piecing together the parts separately but in the end it was easier and more cost effective to get the One Ocean (the rudder's designer) rudder component kit, it comes with Yakima foot braces.
If you get these rudder plans and online manual access, I urge you to be careful when cutting out the rudder body/wings as the instructions aren't as clear as the author might think; mine is a little taller and not as wide as it should be, this does make it a little more responsive though.
Also, I won't use kevlar hybrid the next time around, way to hard to work with and you have to worry about UV, needs lots of varnish. Stick with carbon fiber. FiberGlast Developments has all kinds of cool carbon weave patters if you are looking for a little extra flash.