I have reached the endless, thought partially satisfying, sanding of the strip deck stage. This has the plywood cockpit, and the underside of the strips are aligned with the underside of that piece, and as I did it I wondered what I would do with the upper, and visible surfce, since the strips, being thcker than the plywood, stand proud of it. How do people deal with that transition? Should I taper the strips around that cockpit apron down to the much skinnier plywood thickness? Just round over the edges for a smooth transition? Wish I had aligned the topside, and let the strips stand proud on the underside, where they would just hurt my knees and not my eyes?
I mostly finished flush on the top face, but a few areas were proud. I tapered them down with a sharp chisel, and it's absolutely fine.
Thats unfortunate that the cedar strips are aligned with the underside of the cockpit coming, rather than the topside. At this point, I would just gently round the edges over so the transition isn't sharp. Thing is, its got to be pretty smooth so that there isn't a gap for air bubbles under the fiberglass cloth that you lay across the junction when it comes time for that. Its going to take some careful sanding to get it good.
Certainly won't affect the function. Good luck with it.
Yes, I too have many questions on the Shearwater Sport Hybrid. I gladly will await any info given on this boat. I think that this boat is a little different from the rest of the yaks in regards to assembly. This yak is only going to increase in popularity. I'm hoping that for other peoples sake that they put out a video just for the Shearwater Sport Hybrid deck. :)