show me how you blended the mast partner knees and inwales on a lug rigged dory!

I'm looking for inspiration and would love to see your favorite pictures. The angles aren't the same so I don't quite know what to do. 

  Does this help?

Also, try on the link and go forward and back to see the steps I used on the inner rail/knees..

Curt, Hope that helps!

That does help. I can't figure out the forward and back aspect.


I think I'd benefit from a little more info. Did you at some point start cutting the spacer blocks to have an angle similar to the knees? I was thinking of doing one block before and after the knee with maybe half the angle made by the knee.

   Sorry bout that...I forgot to provide the is the link (I hope this works) where I first started work on the inner rails/knees, so just open this one, and click "right arrow" to see more.

.or use this link to see the whole album and click the ones you want:

And yes, I did add a space block at both ends of both knees...this is the only picture I could find showing that: not a good picture, but take a look at the other pics in the album and feel free to ask for me to clarify anyting ,,

   So, if one looks at a cross section of the space blocks adjacent to the knee, would one observe that the side against the hull is parallel to or at an acute angle to the side glued to your rail?


My thought is for my own boat I will cut the blocks near the knee at an angle such that the twist in the rail is gradual. 


Perhaps I should have initially asked for instructions as well. I'm really trying to get ideas about what will look best.

   Some thoughts/comments.

My inner rail knees were provided by CLC before the inner rail kit was available on the website, and I think the ones now being sold may be different.

You likely know this but the outer rails go on before the inner rails.

The tops of the inner rail blocks, including the ones that touch the knees, will be on the same angle/slant/plane as the outer rails, BUT the tops of the knees themselves will be parallel with your shop floor.  Thus there was some blending required to go from the inner rail spacers to the knees, basically to sand off the nubs of inner rail spacers that touched the knees.

Same logic applies to the breasthook, because my breasthook is flat, but I believe the breasthooks now provided by CLC are domed so that the inner rail spacers more line up with the breasthook...personally, I prefer my flat breasthook because blending in the inner rails can be done so that nobody would ever notice..

More confusing, me hopes not
