Skerry centerboard problem- all ideas welcomed

Okay, this is hard to talk about. I am done building my Skerry, starting to rig the sail and getting excited, when, looking at the plan, I realize that I installed the center seat facing aft, instead of forward, so the centerboard trunk is too far aft, and the thing will never sail properly. Once I got over planning a bonfire, and then never talking about sailing again, I started considering options. One, is to cut it all out- trunk and seat- and starting anew. I don't like that, messy, too much work and not very creative. So I'm thinking.that I need to build another centerboard trunk and mount it forward of the center seat, in the proper place, leaving the existing one in and saying all sailboats should have two centerboard options, on for running downwind and by the way it's better for rowing. Or I could mount a new trunk and making the wrong trunk a big hole for a trolling motor. Make it so the motor lifts out of the water when not in use. Add's a touch of luxury

At any rate I don't think I can just leave it and use the existing trunk but I'm not sure about the best way to add a trunk, so I'm open to all advice. thanks!  Suffering Bob

Had this happen to a Skerry builder maybe ten years ago.

There was much hand-wringing, then the builder went and got one of these Fein Multimasters:


Using the thin wood-cutting blade, he cut the entire center seat assembly, daggerboard trunk and all, out of the boat.  The cut was so neat---right against the hull---that the assembly was simply rotated 180 degrees, new epoxy fillets were made, and the extra trunk opening in the bottom plugged.

After some sanding, the fix was not obvious to anyone who didn't know what to look for.  It was indiscernible in photos.

And a big plus is- I've wanted on of those tools but never had an excuse to spend the $$. Thanks

I'm glad there is a relatively good solution for this.  Sounds like something I would have done.


I found this tool last night while reading and instantly thought of this post.



I love this forum. There is nothing you can do that someone has not figured out how to fix.  

Happy building.  You can always put a decorative stencil or stripe or something over the patch if you do not like the look after the repair.
