Skerry puzzle scarf irregularity

I was not able to get the puzzle scarf joints on my new Skerry kit quite completely flat.  When it comes to sanding them, there's a couple of concerns.  On the first couple before I got the amount of epoxy right, there was excess squeeze out.  That combines with the fingers being a few thou from flat and I got epoxy spots and gaps I can't sand totally flat w/o doing damage to the veneers on the "high" fingers.  It looks like 2 choices:  fair the joints w/ epoxy/wood dust now while they're flat, or wait until the coating/sheathing stage and just make it part of the finish process.  I'm painting this one inside and out, so am not too fussed about messing w/ getting the epoxy showing different color.  The joints themselves are tight and solid.  Suggestions?


   You could heat the puzzle joints with a heat gun.  I personally would use the wife's iron, no steam, put a throwaway towel over the joint and heat it up. With the epoxy melted you should be able to push the joints flat. 

   Trying to heat the joint to move it makes me all kinds of nervous about adversely affecting the joint strength. Epoxy isn't really a thermoplastic after all. They are plenty solid. Mostly it's an appearance issue I think. 

If you're going to be painting anyway, might as well just fair them in. I'd recommend using epoxy/phenolic microballoon mix instead of epoxy/sawdust for fairing. It's much easier to sand.

Have fun,
