Hello ladies and gents; I just acquired this (ab)“used” Skerry. (long, so read only if so inclined)
I added plenty of pictures. The boat is functional as is, although in poor shape and needing some (lots of) TLC.IF I use it as-is, it will further deteriorate.
The boat was build in 09 at the boat school in Maine from a CLC kit, in the classroom. The owner/builder finished it at home as is customary. The kids who did not know how to sail, roughed up the boat quite a bit, and it spent a few months under a tarp … underneath trees.
So, here are the pics:
For the outer hull:
1) I was planning on sanding and painting.
Do I need to:
- light sand the paint, and fill the bare patches …
- sand to bare epoxy …
- sand to bare wood, re-epoxy and fair …
… then, re-paint?
2) ALSO, there is a crack in the top starboard plank, or in the epoxy (no soft wood) … not sure, yet. What would you suggest for the fix?
3) One of the lap joints on the outer hull is abraded to the bare wood, and has water damage. Is it wise that I carve it out and replace with epoxy, then fairing it, or is it better that I replace wirh a patch of wood/fiberglass feathered in?
For the interior:
The interior was very poorly, in my humble opinion finished. bulkheads, seats, not rounded-over (preference, I know). Lots of the brightwork is peeling off, or already gone. The epoxy fillets are humongous, rough, and not particularly attractive. Breast hooks on both ends are rough with epoxy peeling off and a bit of a chunk off.
1) Do I redo the fillets, or leave them alone? (I know it is a personal preference) Just not sure how I would grind those down and not make them worse looking. I could do larger fillets on top, but they are “ginormous” to start with.
2) Easy to route seat edges when building, but tougher after installed due to clearance for router on sides adjacent to bulkheads. I know I could sand by hand, but maybe looking at worse than leaving alone? Thoughts?
3) Outwales are rough at various places. Do I patch up with epoxy/wooden flour, sand and varnish, or better off replacing the outwales? If so, how do I remove them? Hand plane? Electric Planer? Do I remove ALL of it, or just the outer layer?
4) Breast hooks. Do I fix, or remove and replace? How would I remove them? Router, Japanese saw, Jigsaw, other?
5) Thinking spacered inwales for looks, AND for attachment points. Thoughts?
6) No bow eye was built in, but a hole on top of the breasthook, with a knotted rope through. With the bow seat installed and 4” deck plate, I am not about to put one under the water line. Am I wise to put one just above the bow seat (through bolt will be seen)?
7) On top plank inside of the hull (see picture, there is dent where the would is pulled out but not yet broken off completely. Hard to see if water damage, but does not appear soft … do I inject epoxy and try to push flat, or do I carve out and replace with epoxy/micro-balloons mix, sand and varnish? The entire inside is uneven with epoxy that was not sanded flat and looks like orange peel, or large sags, all varnished on top. Do I go to bare wood (fabric weave on the bottom), or even out and patch where needed, than re-varnish?
8) What are the protruding blocks on the floor towards the stern? Are those cleats/braces for feet while sailing? Must have been added after: when I flipped the hull I saw screws through the hull and painted over at that location.
Sailing rig is a sprit with a Douglas Fowler, Ithaca, NY, sail.
1) No tears in the sail, but super dirty (mildew?). Bleach seems to deteriorate the sails and make them yellow. I read an article saying to dunk the sail into water with 2 cups of Oxiclean, then rise in fresh water … Thoughts, suggestions?
2) The boom is split on 12” right where it goes into the pin on the mast. It looks like the kids glued the piece back on, and boxed it to make it useable. Do I make a new spar, OR remove the boxed job, put epoxy/glass around it?
3) What knots do I use to lash the sail grommets. I took a picture of the knot, which I could not identify … nor do I know whether they were appropriate.
4) Can you point me in the right direction to figure out how to lash the sprit? (Never had one, or sailed one) How do I set the lines?
5) Am I better off putting a lug, or a gunter rig? I can’t stand the look of the skerry with the sprit, BUT … It is there and ought to work, so I may grow to liking it …
6) Am I wise to apply leather around the mast step, and if so, how much play is wise? Any or snug?
7) Leather on mast also, where sprit will rub?
8) Leather on tiller extension, also?
1) Kick up rudder with grooved channel for the downhaul … Is that the right position for the jam cleat? The line cut a groove through the thin wood and epoxy.
2) Wise to leave the nylon lock nut (on the rudder pivot bolt), or replace with a star knob, or else?
3) Gudgeons go into pintles but with lot of friction … Is that normal?
4) Tiller extension is missing from yoke. How long and how thick should it be for the Skerry? (long enough to reach the middle seat, or shorter?
5) Do I lash it, or am better off using the Racelite universal joint version, previously suggested on the forum?
Finally, is it worth doing all this work on this boat? (Probably looking at about $600 minimum to maybe $1,000 in material and supplies to redo, without accounting for time.)