I have the piantedosi sliding seat rig and the dreher oars. The oarlocks seem to be the Concept 2 ones? Anyway I have the thing assembled pretty much.
When I put an oar into the lock, there seems to be a lot of play, like a half an inch or more... is this normal?
Also, for you wherry guys, did you have to drill holes in the rail for the bolts that attach to the boat? There are captured nuts in the rail but they don't line up with the recommended bolt locations.
Any help is much appreciated!
Not to worry. There is always slop between the oarlock and shaft. Without it, you could not 'feather' the oar while rowing. If you don't know what that means, find somebody that can row or check out some videos by ironoarsman on youtube.
If you feel like there is 'way too much slop, Concept 2 oarlocks usually have an adjustment nut on the gate. Also, don't forget that the gates need to be pointed to the stern when you lay the oar in. Happy rowing.
I did have to drill holes in the rail in order to fit it to the boat. It wasn't a big deal, though it made me wince a bit. I bought two SS bolts that drop into corresponding holes in the seats and tighten down with wing nuts. I also put a couple of pieces of cork drawer liner on the bottom of the rail to keep from scuffing up the seats too much. Works fine.
Thanks for the info. I'll check out the youtube video.
Drilling those holes is going to be the hardest part of this project, mentally anyway!
Thanks again!