Small air bubble under the fiberglass

I finally got back to work on my daughter's Ch14 after about a year of various other projects. While sanding in preparation for varnish, I found a small air pocket between the fiberglass and the wood. The diameter is about 3/16ths of an inch. The weave is filled and the outer surface is nice and smooth. So, I think there is enough epoxy on the outer surface of the glass.

Are there any suggestions as to what I should do? I had thought of trying to drill a tiny hole into the pocket and inject some epoxy to fill the void. Or is it small enough that I may be able to let it go?

On another note, I have some rough areas below where the deck glass overlaps the hull glass. Is the answer more layers of epoxy followed by more sanding? Or am I being too timid with the sander? I haven't sanded down to any glass as far as I can tell, but I have gotten down to the point where I can see the weave pattern.


> I had thought of trying to drill a tiny hole into the pocket and inject some epoxy to fill the void. 


 That's what I did, although I found it was more effective if I drilled two holes - inject epoxy in one and the other lets the air out.



Finish that boat before she outgrows it!  I built a Ches 14 for my ‘little girl’, and within a couple years it was getting too small.  Now we’ve (I’ve) been working on a Shearwater 16H for a year or so.  I just hope I finish before she’s off to college two years from now.

And that is exactly why my 12 year old daughter and I are building a Shearwater 16 rathar than a 14.  We glassed the hull last night.

Jon T