So I have the right forms (wood duck 12)

I've started building my Wood Duck 12 and would like to confirm that my kit came with the right forms and bulkheads. I'm asking because the shape of the forms seems closer to what's in the Wood Duck 10 drwawings than what is in the Wood Duck 12 drawings in the instructions. If any can confirm that these are the correct (or incorrect) forms I would appreciate it.

stern form!AnXWCJ4NsjaiioIKaqiTYLM3X8ZzRw


bow form!AnXWCJ4NsjaiioILBWKXQ5Ky3H3WDw




forward form!AnXWCJ4NsjaiioIKaqiTYLM3X8ZzRw

stern form


Here's the drawings for the WD10:

and for the WD12:


The bulkheads and forms look near identical. One big clue as to which kit you have is the lack or presence of the stern deck form. The WD10 has it and the WD12 doesn't. The WD12 also has a longer forward deck and the length ratio of the Bow Sheer panel to stern sheer panel is greater than for the WD10.

If this doesn't do it for you, I'd say use the CLC customer support link at the top right of this page to get the info straight from the horse's mouth.

Good luck,



   My wood duck 12 kit did come with a rear deck form. I was thinking this might have been an oversight in the parts drawing. I did use the contact us link and have requested the dimensions of the forms so I can be 100% sure whether I got the right forms or not.





Sorry for the confusing wording in my prior post. I now have the nomenclature down a bit better. My issue is with what I think is having received a Stern Deck Form (not hull form) with my WD12 kit. I recieved four pieces that seem to be Deck Forms. At a minimum I received a piece that is not shown in the parts picture that lines up over the Stern Form (hull form in this case) quite well. As stated prior, overall length based on bottom panels has it being a 12-ft boat (unless there is 2 feet of contraction once shaped - which seems extreme).   Ted


Did you get confirmation from CLC that the Stern hull form you got with your Wd12 kit goes with the boat? Got my kit yesterday and am a bit perplexed with this extra piece which I also surmise is an unlisted hull form. Overall length of my pieces jive with it being the Wd12 as ordered. Hope your build went smoothly.

   Just closing out this post in the event someone else has a similar issue and finds it.

   According to Terry at CLC the Wood Duck 12 Kit now comes with four (4) Deck Forms. As of this posting the Stern Deck Form is not being shown in the builder's manual. Terry kindlly provided me a PDF of the WD 12 Froms & Bulkhead Dimensions showing the four Deck Forms and three Hull Forms and the one (Aft) Bulkhead.

   Thank you Terry for the help......  Ted

And thank you for posting the resolution.
