Hi All,
I overruled my boss's decission and orderer a PM insead of the NE Dory.
Do not ask what the decision cost me me.....
I am gathering my list of buys.
Any sugestions besides what is in the CLC general list. ( I have a workshop with a bunch of general tools/lights saw horses etc.. already)
They are large halogen lights, is this lighting ok for my task?
I will build one rail at a time.
How many spring clamps should I purchase? My guess is 20
I already have about 10 C clamps of various sizes.
How may 5 inches sanding disks, 50 of each maybe?
80, 120, 220, etc....
I see people using 4x8 , 3/4" plywood sheet as work bench for assembly , can it be smaller? 2 x 8?
Will a decent sander with a filter attcahed be ok or should hook up to a vac?
I will be working in a 4 car garage with lots of ventalation when needed.
I have 2 shop vacs, would I need any special filters?
I will take anyones 2 cents or 5 cents comments.
I got plenty of time think on Tues as we are getting 18 inches of snow here in Boston.
Thanks Anthony
The best thing I bought for my NE Dory project was a Dust Deputy. As you already know, or will soon learn, there is an awful lot of sanding involved with building a boat. This little gadget has been a lifesaver, and more importantly, the wife is happy as a clam since I haven't covered everything in the garage with dust. It was the best $50 I have spent!

After posting my recommendation for a Dust Deputy, I realize some guys will say, well I have a vacuum so what's the problem! So allow me to clarify. This little unit saves a lot of time because you no longer have to keep cleaning the vacuum filter, since 90+% falls into the five gal bucket and does not clog the filter, but more importantly the suction remains constant since the filter is not getting clogged with dust. My experience has been, before the Dust Deputy, once the filter got clogged, fine particles of dust would be exhausted into the room plus the volume of suction would diminish. Hope that helps!
ACE Hardware in stock, store is on my way home!
Nearly all my assembly was either flat on the ground for long parts. Or on a table made form an interior hollow core door on sawhorses.
Another great tool you don't seem to hear much about anymore is the Black and Decker Workmate! I've had mine for over 30 years, the poor old thing is beat to death but it is still strong as ever. Great for clamping and holding fairly large items.
Don't scrimp on your respirator and don't forget to wear it!! I forgot to put it on one day, I payed for that mistake.
The Shinto Rasp!!!!! This tool is a life saver. I would suggest not buying the one CLC sells (sorry CLC). You can get them at other vendors that have an offset handle. I wish I had bought one of those.
Dixie cups and the big red party cups, watch for sales and stock up!!
O and one last thing....a 4 car garage? Man that would be nice!!!
I definitely agree on the concept of the Dust Deputy. I started off using a standard shop vac and the filters would get all clogged up. My vac went bad, so I bought a new one at Home Depot. Not very expensive, but I decided to put filter bags for the vac. It is night and day with the amount of dust in the air and the cleanup is much nicer. You may think the bags are expensive, but you will clog up a filter and have to buy one vs. about the same cost to buy 2 filter bags.
Another item I like is the rolled sand paper that CLC sells. It is nice to be able to cut off whatever you need. A little on the pricy side, but well worth it.
Work space is always at a premium. I bought some fold up tables and use them to work on different projects. I can have a piece curing with epoxy and doing something on another.
I also have a little workmate like Mike mentioned. I use that all the time.
You can get spring clamps for $ 0.99 at Home Depot.
Oh and what I would give to have your 4 car garage!!!
Since you will likely use less than all four bays a visqueen dust partition might be a good idea to seperate the clean areas from the work areas. Exhaust ventilation which could be an open door would be nice.
.I'm in Florida. So open doors and fans blowing all the time are normal. This takes care of the immediate dust and vapor problem at the work space. I can't say that it helps the car/boat/etc in the driveway much. For closed door days you can take a box fan, WalMart $20 - $30, and wire a AC filter on the intake side to make a air cleaner device.
A moveable light is good for finding high low spots. I have quartz flood on small stand for spot work plus a tripod stand with two floods for area.
Work tables need to be at a height your back will appreciate. Folding tables can work. I build a work table for gluing up long pieces. It is a basic 2x4 box frame with plywood top suppported by site built saw horses. Plywood with a 2ft wide frame only needs to be 1/2". Make the plywood "proud" of the framing. Like a table you want the ply to stick out enough so you can clamp things to it.
Some 12 inch quick bar clamps would be helpful.
When visiting the Wooden Boat Show, at Mystic, after ordering a Peeler Skiff kit, a common piece of advice from people who were displaying the boats they had built was "Get a good sander!". Most often recommended were products from Festool. I bought a Festool 5" random orbital sander, a Festool finish sander, and a Festool Mini-Vac. One of the smartest things I did in the whole project---the sanders work extremely well and there was no sawdust in the work area.
Great idea
Dust barrier and vac set up.
I got time to set everything up
My kit is only to be shipped April 03............
We bought 2 cheap folding tables for our Peeler Skiff project. Screwed inexpensive 4X8 1/2-inch plywood to the tops for the early stahes then removed the plywood for the latter stages. Grumpy is very correct about the table height. I'm 70 and it makes a big difference.