Soon to be Northeaster Dory builder

First, I'd like to thank everyone on the forum for sharing their boat building and subsequent adventures that have inspired me to attempt my own Dory build. I'm very excited​ to begin my build during the dory class in May. As a complete and utter novice at boat building (and sailing, for that matter) I'm sure I'll rely heavily on the collective​ wisdom of the forum members to complete the build and aid in future safe nautical exploits. I'd love to hear from other dory builders and sailors with any sage advice or commentary. 

Thanks in advance!


Virginia Beach, VA


Good Luck on your build. I am on the tail end of my winter long build. I did not have the luxury of the class. That would be fun! The kit is a joy to build and is extremely well put together. I am working on the Lug kit now, I plan on joining up the mast tonight. If I have enough clamps I might even be able to get the spars jointed up as well. We will see. I have had my Dory out only once due to weather and work interference. She rows so easily, it was a true joy and I cant wait to get to go out again. Enjoy you class and have fun finishing up at home!!!

As a lifelong sailor, who raced in college and instructed sailing for the USN, I strongly suggest that you get some sailing lessons.  A few months of good instruction on a responsive dingy like a Laser, Sunfish, Force-5 etc will develop the skills that will allow you to enjoy your NE Dory without fear. 

As for the build, enjoy it and don't rush.

Let us know when you have selected your next build!