Tenderly Sail Rig for Other Wooden Boat Designs?

You may have noticed a previous post where I mentioned my disappointment over being physically unable to continue sailing and my interest in selling all my Tenderly sailing components, which are completed perfectly to specs and ready to go.  No interest thus far in CLC Classifieds, so I may soon appeal to the larger audience of wooden boat owners and/or builders..  My question - with specific regard to the lugsail with boom and yard - does anyone know of any other wooden boat designs, in general or by specific name, that I could reference in describing what may Tenderly sail (and spars) might be appropriate for?


Thanks, Michael, for your thoughtful reply! - and thanks also for reminding me of my greener years back in elementary school when my classmates were happy to call me "Shoe."  I liked the name, but lost it after my father died and I was adopted by a man whose name is a struggle to pronounce for a lot of people, including me, so I often revert nostalgically back to my birthname.

Yes, I DO like to row the Tenderly, and I'm prouder of having built the boat than almost anything else I've ever done.  So I'm good with that and will probably not want to tempt the fates by embarking on another project.  My wife would definitely second that.  We have a lot of lakes in New Hampshire - great for fishing - so I'm looking into that as a further reason for rowing (or one day motoring) so that I don't miss sailing quite so much.

Keeping the sail and other rigging for "later" - selling or bequeathing everything together - also makes good sense, so I'm not leaning heavily in that direction.

I'm going to go out on a limb here a little and suggest that it could be the same as the lug rig for Passagemaker Dinghy, though it's possible the length of the mast is slightly different.  Same square footage and, as far as I can tell from looking at the drawings, same general shape of the sail at least.  Of course, the lug rig is an option on PMD, and there are differences in the way the mast step and partners are built (different parts in the kits vs. the gunter rig option), so it would likely only work on a PMD which was built for the lug rig.

I was also once informed by CLC (I forget who, exactly) that the sail and yards (but not the mast) could be used on a Nesting Expedition Dinghy as the mainsail in the lug rig option for that boat, something I've been considering if I ever want to build a boat with better options for sleeping aboard vs. my Passagemaker Dinghy.

Hopefully John will chime in here and either confirm that...or tell me I'm all wet and should throw myself back overboard.  <;-)


   Thanks, Michael. Very helpful.  As you suggested, maybe John - if he's listening - may have other ideas as well.  I'm guessing that any possibility of a wider appeal would focus purely on the sail and spars - given that the other components are probably Tenderly specific.  I do feel a little foolish at this point, perhaps a qualification of most sailors, recalling myself working on those components even while wondering whether my increasing physical limitations would allow me to use them.  Maybe the sensible thing to do would be to keep it all together and pass everything down as an heirloom.


My heart goes out to you.  Life's disappointments, great and small, can be hard to bear.  My wife and I are selling our Menger 19 catboat, built for us by the late Bill Menger in 2003, because her mobility has declined to the point where just getting her aboard would be a major stunt, never mind having a good time.  "How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!" lamented King David on hearing the news of the deaths of Saul and Jonathan at the hands of the Philistines.

Were it mine, I think I'd keep the sail rig.  Carefully stored, it will add more value to the boat when it comes time to sell her or, as you mentioned, pass her on to someone else.  Who knows?  Perhaps your condition, whatever it is, may improve?  I hope I'm not causing pain by suggesting that.

Do you enjoy rowing your Tenderly?  Did you enjoy building her?  Perhaps a single-purpose rowboat like the Chester Yawl (yes, I have long lusted after one of those--I love rowing) would be a better proposition for you.  Without the design constraints of having to be a decent sailboat as well as a rowboat, while also using a small outboard safely and to good effect, a boat like Chester Yawl can really cover some ground under oars.  It is designed to row well...period, a lean, mean, rowin' machine.  Simpler and actually lighter than the Tenderly.  I love the flat floorboards, unbroken by thwarts, frames or bulkheads.  Makes me want to tent it in and go cruising, able to spend nights tucked up in a marsh with no solid land in sight.

As another idea, a decked canoe like the Mill Creek 13 might be the ultimate in a comfortable "impulse" boat in which to get out on the water for a bit of bird watching, photography, a bit of no-octane fishing, or just simply messing about in boats.  I'm thinking about one of those, myself, should I ever win the grand prize in the CLC annual photo contest with a photo of our Passagemaker Dinghy Winkle.  We won a monthly vote once (good for $150 gift certificate), and have had a photo in the annual vote for the last few years, though so far without success.  Several of our photos have made it into the Passagemaker Dinghy galleries (mostly in the take-apart gallery, though a couple did get placed in the standard gallery), including the photo in the current monthly contest.  But, I digress....

Keeping the sail rig for your Tenderly will probably make it easier to sell the boat if you ever decide that a different sort of boat would better suit your purposes and your physical condition better...just my two cents' worth, which probably ain't worth even that.  The reason we have so many different boats is probably the same as the reason we have so many different cell phones: we all want something different, the manufacturers keep trying to guess what that is, and we keep changing our minds.  <;-)

May the Lord bless you and keep you, whatever you decide.
