I really like how this kayak has two tones of finish. Will someone tell me how that is achieved?? I will be finishing my 17LT in about a month and I'd like to replicate this.
I really like how this kayak has two tones of finish. Will someone tell me how that is achieved?? I will be finishing my 17LT in about a month and I'd like to replicate this.
I do not know for sure but that could be the same varnish for deck and hull if the deck was stained.
Different manufacturers and different products do have their own specific shade to them and some are pigmented intentionally but I would use the same finish for the whole kayak and stain the deck or hull, depending on the color scheme I was looking for.
This specific photo could also be no stain and still the same varnish if the builder built from plans and used 2 different types of wood. Someone here on the board may know about this build.
I have completed 2 kayaks with the two tone look. I epoxied the bottom of the kayak unstained and then installed the deck an sanded the edges and then used a solvent based stain (do not used oil base stains under epoxy)
I then fiber glassed the deck.
Thanks Glenn. Do you recommend any particular brands to have any solvent based stain advice? I just finished sanding the deck in preparation for fiberglassing, so this is great information at this point!
I have used Behlen http://www.woodfinishsupply.com/SolarLux.html.Solar-lux
The cherry looks fantastic.
Thanks again, Glenn. I found a local wood working supply store that carries that brand. For deck coverage, how much will I need? In your experience, do you coat more than once?
I used about 1/2 pint.One coat covered good on both of my boats.
You may end up with a spotted look. I used some ultra fine steel wool to even it out.Also the spotted look goes away when you epoxy over it.
Hey Glenn,
One more question for you. What's you're preferred method of application for the stain? I did a test run on some scrap deck material last night using a foam brush. It laid down a nice, but heavy coat. I'm curious what you do.
I used yellow rollers from West marine cut in half and then brush out air bubbles with foam brush.I also thin my varnish about 10%, it lays down better.
I did it! the application of the stain was a little nerve racking, I didn't want to mess up the deck. I did mask around below the deck, witch was a great idea. And, as predicted, there is lapping. But with Glenn's tip of using steel wool, I plan on evening out the stain. Thanks for the help!!
Looks good. The epoxy will help even out the over lap marks. I agree with you its nerve racking,but I love the two tone look.
Here's how the stained deck is looking after my first coat of fiberglass and epoxy. Love it! Thanks again to Glenn for the advice and encouragement.
Beautiful work! Nice job.
Looks good.Cant wait to see some picture when its complete.Looks like all the over lap marks are gone?
Getlost: looks like it will be a great looking boat. The stain turned out nicely. Interesting to see the deck nails. I don't think I've ever seen a Chessy with them except possibly at the CLC showroom. It wasn't my choice, but it looks like a very clean look for you; good spacing. Keep sharing those photos, looks like it's going to be a great boat.
Thanks for the positive feedback everyone. If anyone is interested in seeing more, I have been documenting my progress online. You can see it here.
Check it out and enjoy!
GetLost. I checked out your web page, very nice. I’m currently building a Millcreek 16.5 over here in Vancouver WA. Those of us in the Pacific Northwest should get our own "CLC" PNW Okoumefest Organized. Maybe John would trailer out the Pocket ship and try it on the mighty Columbia. what say you John?