Trailering a sailing rig

So, Jimmy Skiff.  Trailer.  Sailing rig.  May I ask for advice on putting all this together in a way that avoids unfortunate incidents on the freeway?  I can figure out girth straps all right, and I can build a boom crutch that will fit into the mast step for the forward end of the mast.  How do I secure the other end of the mast to keep it steady?  Suggestions for a sail cover---I've laced on my sail, so the sailing rig does not come apart (and on the other hand, steps, and it's good to go)?  Does CLC sell a sail cover, or do I have to source one locally?


Hi what was your final trailering solution?


The original post was almost 14 years ago, so I wouldn’t hold my breath for a reply. If you have a specific question, I’d recommend posting that. Don’t forget the type of boat, the type of trailer if you have one, the type of tow vehicle, etc. The more info you give us, the better our answers can be.
