Any thoughts or concernes about using a router with a laminate trimming bit (as directed within the manual) considering the sides of the Kaholo are for the most part not 90 degrees to the top???
It worked fine for me. Just don't expose anymore of the bit than you need. The deck is thin so it doesn't require much of the bit to be exposed.
I used a router with laminate trim bit on my first Kaholo. I will use a sanding block with 50 grit from now on because I can get the bevel more consistent. I am not putting as big a bevel as recomended only enough to lap the glass cloth. Witha small bevel it is easy to protect the rail with a strip of electrical tape in the area that you might bump it with the paddle blade. I only lap my glass cloth 3/8 inch, more than that is not needed and is just extra un-needed weight.
Tx Wood_Ogre, just trimmed using the laminate bit. Works great, I'll be finishgin off with a sanding block.
Questionk when overlapsing the glass from the top down the sides as you spoke about above, are the edges of the glass neat or kind of 'shaggy'
I'm finding it really hard to cut the fiberglass neatly. There always seems to be lots of fragments and loose ends.
Shaggy. Trying to neatly trim fiberglass is an exercise in futility. Don't sweat it. Cut it, add resin, then when epoxy goes "green" whip out your scraper (I prefer carbide scrapers) and shave the shag down. When fully cured, shave some more, maybe hit it with a sander (I like #80 grit). After you roll on the final coat of weave fill epoxy the scrape & sand area will disappear.
When glassing my deck glass it did the following. First I ran a strip of tape around the board one inch below the deck. Second, I made a paper skirt hanging down below the tape so that no epoxy or glass would touch the pre-glassed sides. Third, I cut the glass so that it hung over the sides all around about two to four inches hanging over the taped off sides and skirt. Fourth, I glassed the deck and sqeegied the resin over the sides not worrying about a mess because I had a protective skirt. Fifth, when the epoxy cured I ran a shape chisel around the board at the margin of the tape and glass. Sixth, easily sanded out the ridge that was at the boundary of the tape that was one inch below the shear line/ deck.
Here is the taped off edge. By the way, this is a Luan board.
Before pouring on the epoxy very carefully smooth out every ripple in the cloth. If you take your time you can make the glass conform to the shape. I used 7 oz because that is what I had on hand.
Here is the board after a year of hard use. Luan, 12.6 feet, 7 oz cloth. I bought plans for the 14 and scaled it to 12.5 on only longitudinal dimensions.
Am not sure why the photos are not posted? Here is the taped off edge.
Am not sure why the photos are not posted? Here is the taped off edge.
Am not sure why the photos are not posted? Here is the taped off edge.
12.5 board