Varnish Coat 2 is done - how many more?

Folks, i have applied varnsih coat 2 to my WD 12 and the results are stunning.  I was fully prepared to apply 5 coats total.  However, my buddy at work (who inspired me to do this in the 1st place) says that he would not go beyond 3 at the most.  So I am looking for input.  I know super deep gloss is at 5 but I don't need that.  Am I good to wet sand and stop after I add coat 3?  Thanks!

A. It is your boat. You can put as many as you want.

B. I was limited on time and high humidity with my last build. I only got two and had to quit to launch for the wedding. Two has held up well except on the bottom of the hull. But rocks, sticks, concrete, and oysters cause the need for refinishing there.  One factor may be the quality of varnish used. If it was poly from the home store, more coats. If it was marine varnish $$$$$ from the marine supply store, OK.



  Thanks Grumpy!  I was looking for a good mix of protection and good looks.  I am going to go with 3 coats and call it good.  It's the Interlux Schooner Varnish from CLC. 

fwiw,  i typically go with three.  

varnish does not really do anything other than make the boat beautiful and, more importantly, provide UV protection.   wth five coats what you are getting is an almost  glass look as the varnish layer itself is just gives it a different kind of lustre compared to fewer coats.

with respect to scratches....not going to make a difference.   5 coats scratches as easily as 3 coats.

as for making the boat last.... not running it into things, storing it clean, dry out of the sun and avoiding excessive heat, and repairing any serious dings that get into the fibreglass....and periodically refinishing it.....and it will last a lifetime.

periodically, you will want to refinish to deal with all the little scratches and dings that accumulate as well as the varnish that will give out over time. depending on how you store it (see above) and how hard you use it....that can be anywhere between 1 and 7 years in my experience.

enjoy paddling!

   Thanks hspira!  Exactly what I needed to hear.   I am almost done with this sucker!

   My two cents: varnish is UV protection. Each additional coat creates another chance for drips and holidays. If your third coat comes out well, count your blessings and consider it "job done"!