Varnish issues

Ok guys, I might be about to commit a cardinal sin here. But I am not really enjoying using Interlux Schooner Varnish...... Please don't shoot me :)! I have been working with wood for the last 30 years of my life as a hobbyist. I have used all sorts of different varnishes, polyurethane products, old fashioned shellac. I've never had a product “skin” over in the can like this varnish. I wish I had bought a can of nitrogen to use before I started but was unaware of this issue. So now I face a bit of a quandary. I have enough of the Interlux to finish my seats. But I will need something else when I start my Sailing components. It sure would be nice to buy something locally rather than having to order form the WWW and pay shipping. I think I will go down to the local Woodcraft store and see if they have anything. I can always use Helmsman's from Minwax. It is UV protective, easy to apply and makes a nice hard finish. And its very cost effective. Any other ideas?

Oh by the way, on the flip side of this issue, Interlux bright side paint was fantastic! Really loved working with that!!!


Interlux:  Impossible varnish.

I use epifanes. Never  a problem.


   i'm a couple of weeks away from needing varnish for my teardrop camper.  which epifanes varnish did you use?  what was the advantage over the interlux?





Use Epifanes, and store it upside down …

Interlux: always stripes and bubles, dries too fast, impossible to work wet in wet.

Epifanes: no such problems. i use epifanes clear varnish (

If you can make interlux work and you are satisfied with the results, than the striping and fast drying is not an issue.



I'm about to start varnishing. My local chandler stocks both Interlux and Epifanes. At >30$ / quart, I'd like to make a fact-based choice....

I have found out that the ingredients of varnish are various proportions of resin, oil, drying agent, solvent, and proprietary additives. All not well documented, e.g. neither manufacturer reveals information about the quantity and type of anti-UV. Interlux has "advanced UV technology" while Epifanes offers "maximum U.V. absorbers". I did find a few facts I'll share: 

  • Spar varnish is so-called because it has to be flexible enough not to crack on bendy spars. This is achieved by using more oil than than, say, furniture varnish.
  • According to Epifanes Clear is tung oil/alkyd based and Interlux Schooner is an oil-based one-part polyurethane. Some say tung is more flexible and PU is less flexible but harder and more durable; though I've not seen evidence to prove it.
  • The Interlux brand is in the same company as Sikkens and Dulux.

The above was submitted by me, John of NE Dory. Weird glitch. My browser session must have expired just as I clicked "Post".


I've never had any problems with Interlux Schooner. I've always applied it the way the shoptip says, with a disposable foam brush. And just so no one thinks it's because I'm some kind of varnishing wizard, twice a year, at the CLC Decemebr open house and Okoumefest, you can watch a CLC employee (or CEO) apply Interlux to a boat. They do it live, in short sleeves and you can walk right up to the boat to see that it's done without mirrors or other tricks. That's how I learned to varnish my boats.
