Varnish stil tacky after 15 hours?

Hi all

I have four coats of Schooner gloss on the deck and hull and now I am putting System Three spar satin on over those coats. I laid the first satin coat yesterday and came back this morning expecting to be able to lay a second coat.  However, the satin is till tacky to the touch 15 hours later.

The environmental conditions have not changed. I am in a basement with the same temp and humidity as the other coats.  The precious layers were cured properly.  I sanded prior to putting  each of the prior coats and before the satin (happy that I won't have to sand between satin coats). I laid the satin at full strength, not thinned, and at about the same thickness as the gloss layers. I am using a roller and foam brush.

Any thoughts on why this satin layer would still be tacky when the gloss layers were cured at this point?



Is System Three compatible with Interlux?



I had a similar experience with a polyurethane I used from an older can with a much used and dented lid.   It did not cure as quickly as usual.  My best guess is that the volatile spirits in the poly evaporated from the can thereby slowing the curing once applied.  It did cure with more time and I actually still use the poly (for less sensitive projects) by adding mineral spirits to the poly with good results.

After forty something hours, it never really ended up right so I sanded it down.  I laid a coat of the original gloss tonight and I am hoping that things work out ok.  Very frustrating to get this far and run into a roadblock like this. I'm out of gloss so it has to work!

Laszlo, to answer your question above....I purchased the Interlux and Syatem Three varnishes at the same time from CLC. They recommended these two and as the experts, knowing what I planned to do with them, that they provided compatible products. A follow up call with Joey this week didn't raise  any concerns about compatibility either.

At Joeys recommendation after explaining the trouble, I took the boat outside and let it sit in the sun and unfortunately that didn't seem to improve the curing process either.  However, it was the first time it had been in natural light and seeing it in something other than fluorescent light  brought a smile to my face.

Were your gloss coats completely dry? I've had trouble a few times when volatiles get trapped by the next varnish coat which makes for a slow drying sticky surface.  The other problem I've had with satin varnish, is I didn't stir it enough and that seemed to slow up the cure time.  Just some thoughts. Good luck,  Ken.   

   I think the problem was some type of bad reaction between the two types of varnish. I've added two layers of gloss and it looks good and is setting up nicely.


