I am ready to varnish my CH17. I have a can on epiphanes clear gloss varnish. I was reading the can and it give instructions for applying to bare wood. I am applying to sanded epoxy so I figure that the finishing will not be the same. It tells you to thin the varnish 50% for first coat, 25% for second. 15% for third and 0-5% for subsiquent coats. I am thinking since the kayak is already coated in epoxy that I would be OK with nto thinning the varnish at all. This is my first time using varnish and I want to see if I should thin it or not. Of all the reading that I have done, I have not read anything about thinning varnish. However, I may have read at one point that I should read the instructions for the varnish manufacturer and follow those. Any feedback would be appreciated.
P.S. I cleaned the gargage and prepped to varnish by vacuming all the dust and then I read the instructions on the Epiphanes can. I did not expect this to be a delay. I hope to be in the water soon!